Second of all the timing window for our glyphosate applications in soybean are quickly closing. Chris Boerboom, Former UW Extension Weed Scientist stated that:
"Monsanto has clarified the definition of “throughout flowering” in regard to the latest stage that glyphosate can be applied to glyphosate-resistant soybean. Soybean flowering is defined as the R2 growth stage. The R3 growth stage begins when one of the four top nodes with a fully developed leaf has a 3/16 inch long pod. With this definition, glyphosate can be applied through the R2 growth stage, but not after the R3 stage begins. Applications made after the R3 stage are off-label applications."On average it takes ~ 4 days to move from R1 (beginning flower) to R2 (full flower) and ~10 days from R2 to the start of R3 (beginning pod). That means we have ~2 weeks for glyphosate applications to occur.
Next, wheel track damage made from ground applications may start to reduce yield. Sprayer wheel
Lastly, for white mold questions please refer to the following information: White Mold in Soybean in 2010: Factors to Consider
Image 1. Soybean crop beginning to bloom.